الأربعاء، 7 يناير 2015





Ever since Professor Max Müller delivered his lecture in Westminster Abbey, on the day of intercession for missions, in December, 1873, it has been a literary commonplace, that the six great religions of the world may be divided into missionary and non-missionary; under the latter head fall Judaism, Brahmanism and Zoroastrianism, and under the former Buddhism, Christianity and Islam; and he well defined what the term,—a missionary religion,—should be taken to mean, viz. one " in which the spreading of the truth and the conversion of unbelievers are raised to the rank of a sacred duty by the founder or his immediate successors. ... It is the spirit of truth in the hearts of believers which cannot rest, unless it manifests itself in thought, word and deed, which is not satisfied till it has carried its message to every human soul, till what it believes to be the truth is accepted as the truth by all members of the human family.(1)
It is such a zeal for the truth of their religion that has inspired the Muhammadans to carry with them the message of Islam to the people of every land into which they pene­trate, and that justly claims for their religion a place among those we term missionary. It is the history of the birth of this missionary zeal, its inspiring forces and the modes of its activity that forms the subject of the following pages. The 200 millions of Muhammadans scattered over the world at the present day are evidences of its workings through the length of thirteen centuries.
The doctrines of this faith were first proclaimed to the people of Arabia in the seventh century, by a prophet under whose banner their scattered tribes became a nation; and filled with the pulsations of this new national life, and with a fervour and enthusiasm that imparted an almost invincible strength to their armies, they poured forth over three continents to conquer and subdue. Syria, Palestine, Egypt, North Africa and Persia were the first to fall before them, and pressing westward to Spain and eastward beyond the Indus, the followers of the Prophet found themselves, one hundred years after his death, masters of an empire greater than that of Rome at the zenith of its power.
Although in after years this great empire was split up and the political power of Islam diminished, still its spiritual conquests went on uninterruptedly. When the Mongol hordes sacked Baghdād (a.d. 1258) and drowned in blood the faded glory of the Abbāsid dynasty,—when the Muslims were expelled from Cordova by Ferdinand of Leon and Castile (a.d. 1236), and Granada, the last stronghold of Islam in Spain, paid tribute to the Christian king,—Islam had just gained a footing in the island of Sumatra and was just about to commence its triumphant progress through the islands of the Malay Archipelago. In the hours of its political degradation, Islam has achieved some of its most brilliant spiritual conquests : on two great historical occa­sions, infidel barbarians have set their feet on the necks of the followers of the Prophet,—the Saljūq Turks in the eleventh and the Mongols in the thirteenth century,—and in each case the conquerors have accepted the religion of the conquered. Unaided also by the temporal power, Muslim missionaries have carried their faith into Central Africa, China and the East India Islands.
At the present day the faith of Islam extends from Morocco to Zanzibar, from Sierra Leone to Siberia and China, from Bosnia to New Guinea. Outside the limits of strictly Muhammadan countries and of lands, such as China and Russia, that contain a large Muhammadan population, there are some few small communities of the followers of the Prophet, which bear witness to the faith of Islam in the midst of unbelievers. Such are the Polish-speaking Muslims of Tatar origin in Lithuania, that inhabit the districts of Kovno, Vilno and Grodno;(2) the Dutch-speaking Muslims of Cape Colony; and the Indian coolies that have carried the faith of Islam with them to the West India Islands and to British and Dutch Guiana. In recent years, too, Islam has found adherents in England, in North America, Australia and Japan.
The spread of this faith over so vast a portion of the globe is due to various causes, social, political and religious : but among these, one of the most powerful factors at work in the production of this stupendous result, has been the unremitted labours of Muslim missionaries, who, with the Prophet himself as their great ensample, have spent them­selves for the conversion of unbelievers.
The duty of missionary work is no after-thought in the history of Islam, but was enjoined on believers from the beginning, as may be judged from the following passages in the Qur'ãn,—which are here quoted in chronological order according to the date of their being delivered.
" Summon thou to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and with kindly warning : dispute with them in the kindest manner, (xvi. 126.)
" They who have inherited the Book after them (i.e. the Jews and Christians), are in perplexity of doubt concerning it.
" For this cause summon thou (them to the faith), and walk uprightly therein as thou hast been bidden, and follow not their desires : and say : In whatsoever Books God hath sent down do I believe : I am com­manded to decide justly between you : God is your Lord and our Lord : we have our works and you have your works : between us and you let there be no strife : God will make us all one : and to Him shall we return." (xlii. 13-14.)
Similar injunctions are found also in the Medinite Sūrahs, delivered at a time when Muhammad was at the head of a large army and at the height of his power.
" Say to those who have been given the Book and to the ignorant, Do you accept Islam ? Then, if they accept Islam, are they guided aright: but if they turn away, then thy duty is only preaching; and God's eye is on His servants. (iii. 19.)
" Thus God clearly showeth you His signs that perchance ye may be guided;
" And that there may be from among you a people who invite to the Good, and enjoin the Just, and forbid the Wrong; and these are they with whom it shall be well. (iii. 99-100.)
" To every people have We appointed observances which they observe. Therefore let them not dispute the matter with thee, but summon them to thy Lord : Verily thou art guided aright :
“ But if they debate with thee, then say : God best knoweth what ye do!”  (xxii. 66-67.)
The following passages are taken from what is generally supposed to be the last Sūrah that was delivered.
" If any one of those who join gods with God ask an asylum of thee, grant him an asylum in order that he may hear the word of God; then let him reach his place of safety." (ix. 6.)
With regard to the unbelievers who had broken their plighted word, who " sell the signs of God for a mean price and turn others aside from His way," and " respect not with a believer either ties of blood or good faith," ... it is said :—
" Yet if they turn to God and observe prayer and give alms, then are they your brothers in the faith : and We make clear the signs for men of knowledge." (ix. II)
Thus from its very inception Islam has been a missionary religion, both in theory and in practice, for the life of Muḥammad exemplifies the same teaching, and the Prophet himself stands at the head of a long series of Muslim missionaries who have won an entrance for their faith into the hearts of unbelievers. Moreover it is not in the cruelties of the persecutor or the fury of the fanatic that we should look for the evidences of the missionary spirit of Islam, any more than in the exploits of that mythical personage, the Muslim warrior with sword in one hand and Qur'an in the other, (3) —but in the quiet, unobtrusive labours of the preacher and the trader who have carried their faith into every quarter of the globe. Such peaceful methods of preaching and persuasion were not adopted, as some would have us believe, only when political circumstances made force and violence impossible or impolitic, but were most strictly enjoined in numerous passages of the Qur'ān, as follows :—
"And endure what they say with patience, and depart from them with a decorous departure.
"And let Me alone with the gainsayers, rich in the pleasures (of this life); and bear thou with them yet a little while. (lxxiii. io-ii.)
"(My) sole (work) is preaching from God and His message. (lxxii. 24.)
"Tell those who have believed to pardon those who hope not for the days of God in which He purposeth to recompense men according to their deserts. (xlv. 13.)
"They who had joined other gods with God say, ‘Had He pleased, neither we nor our forefathers had worshipped aught but Him; nor had we, apart from Him, declared anything unlawful.’ Thus acted they who were before them. Yet is the duty of the apostles other than plain-spoken preaching? (xvi. 37.)
" Then if they turn their backs, still thy office is only plain-spoken preaching, (xvi. 84.)
" Dispute ye not, unless in kindliest sort, with the people of the Book; save with such of them as have dealt wrongfully (with you) : and say ye, ‘We believe in what has been sent down to us and hath been sent down to you. Our God and your God is one, and to Him are we self-surrendered.’ (xxix. 45.)
" But if they turn aside from thee, yet We have not sent thee to be guardian over them. ‘Tis thine but to preach. (xlii. 47.)
" But if thy Lord had pleased, verily all who are in the world would have believed together. Wilt thou then compel men to become believers ? (x. 99.)
" And we have not sent thee otherwise than to mankind at large, to announce and to warn." (xxxiv. 27.)
Such precepts are not confined to the Meccan Sūrahs, but are found in abundance also in those delivered at Medina, as follows :—
" Let there be no compulsion in religion.    (ii. 257.)
" Obey God and obey the apostle; but if ye turn away, yet  is our apostle only charged with plain-spoken preaching.    (lxiv. 12.)
 " Obey God and obey the apostle : but if ye turn back, still the burden of his duty is on him only, and the burden of your duty rests on you.    And if ye obey him, ye shall have guidance : but plain preaching is all that devolves upon the apostle. (xxiv. 53.)
"Say:  O men!   I am only your plain-spoken (open) warner. (xxii. 48.)
"Verily We have sent thee to be a witness and a herald of good and a warner,
"That ye may believe on God and on His apostle; and may assist Him and honour Him, and praise Him morning and evening.    (xlviii. 8-9.)
"Thou wilt not cease to discover the treacherous ones among them, except a few of them.    But forgive them and pass it over.   Verily, God loveth those who act generously."    (v. 16.)

It is the object of the following pages to show how this ideal was realised in history and how these principles of missionary activity were put into practice by the exponents of Islam. And at the outset the reader should clearly understand that this work is not intended to be a history of Muhammadan persecutions but of Muhammadan missions —it does not aim at chronicling the instances of forced conversions which may be found scattered up and down the pages of Muhammadan histories. European writers have taken such care to accentuate these, that there is no fear of their being forgotten, and they do not strictly come within the province of a history of missions. In a history of Christian missions we should naturally expect to hear more of the labours of St. Liudger and St. Willehad among the pagan Saxons than of the baptisms that Charlemagne forced them to undergo at the point of the sword. (4) The true missionaries of Denmark were St. Ansgar and his successors rather than King Cnut, who forcibly rooted out paganism from his dominions. (5) Abbot Gottfried and Bishop Christian, though less successful in converting the pagan Prussians, were more truly representative of Christian missionary work than the Brethren of the Sword and other Crusaders who brought their labours to completion by means of fire and sword. The knights of the “Ordo fratrum militiæ Christi” forced Christianity on the people of Livonia, but it is not to these militant propagandists but to the monks Meinhard and Theodoric that we should point as being the true missionaries of the Christian faith in this country. The violent means sometimes employed by the Jesuit missionaries (6) cannot derogate from the honour due to St. Francis Xavier and other preachers of the same order. Nor is Valentyn any the less the apostle of Amboyna be­cause in 1699 an order was promulgated to the Rajas of this island that they should have ready a certain number of pagans to be baptised, when the pastor came on his rounds. (7)
In the history of the Christian church missionary activity is seen to be intermittent, and an age of apostolic fervour may be succeeded by a period of apathy and indifference, or persecution and forced conversion may take the place of the preaching of the Word; so likewise does the propaganda of Islam in various epochs of Muhammadan history ebb and flow. But since the zeal of proselytising is a distinct feature of either faith, its missionary history may fittingly be singled out as a separate branch of study, not as ex­cluding other manifestations of the religious life but as concentrating attention on an aspect of it that has special characteristics of its own. Thus the annals of propaganda and persecution may be studied apart from one another, whether in the history of the Christian or the Muslim church, though in both they may be at times commingled. For just as the Christian faith has not always been propa­gated by the methods adopted in Viken (the southern part of Norway) by King Olaf Trygvesson, who either slew those who refused to accept Christianity, or cut off their hands or feet, or drove them into banishment, and in this manner spread the Christian faith throughout the whole of Viken, (8)—and just as the advice of St. Louis has not been made a principle of Christian missionary work,— " When a layman hears the Christian law ill spoken of, he should not defend that law save with his sword, which he should thrust into the infidel's belly, as far as it will go," (9) —so there have been Muslim missionaries who have not been guided in their propagandist methods by the savage utterance of Marwān, the last of the ‘Umayyad caliphs : " Whosoever among the people of Egypt does not enter into my religion and pray as I pray and follow my tenets, I will slay and crucify him." (10) Nor are al-Mutawakkil, al-Hākim and Tīpū Sultān to be looked upon as typical missionaries of Islam to the exclusion of such preachers as Mawlānā Ibrāhīm, the apostle of Java, Khwājah Mu‘īn al-Dīn Chishtī in India and countless others who won converts to the Muslim faith by peaceful means alone.
      But though a clear distinction can be drawn between conversion as the result of persecution and a peaceful propa­ganda by means of methods of persuasion, it is not so easy to ascertain the motives that have induced the convert to change his faith, or to discover whether the missionary has been wholly animated by a love of souls and by the high ideal set forth in the first paragraph of this chapter. Both in Christianity and Islam there have been at all times earnest souls to whom their religion has been the supreme reality of their lives, and this absorbing interest in matters of the spirit has found expression in that zeal for the communication of cherished truths and for the domination of doctrines and systems they have deemed perfect, which constitutes the vivifying force of missionary movements,— and there have likewise been those without the pale, who have responded to their appeal and have embraced the new faith with a like fervour. But, on the other hand, Islam—like Christianity—has reckoned among its adherents many persons to whom ecclesiastical institutions have been merely instruments of a political policy or forms of social organisation, to be accepted either as disagreeable neces­sities or as convenient solutions of problems that they do not care to think out for themselves; such persons may likewise be found among the converts of either faith. Thus both Christianity and Islam have added to the number of their followers by methods and under conditions—social, political and economic—which have no connection with such a thirst for souls as animates the true missionary. Moreover, the annals of missionary enterprise frequently record the admission of converts without any attempt to analyse the motives that have led them to change their faith, and especially for the history of Muslim missions there is a remarkable poverty of material in this respect, since Muslim literature is singularly poor in those records of conversions that occupy such a large place in the literature of the Christian church. Accordingly, in the following sketch of the missionary activity of Islam, it has not always been possible to discover whether political, social, economic or purely religious motives have determined conversion, though occasional reference can be made to the operation of one or the other influence.
[1] - A note on Mr. Lyall's article: "Missionary Religions."    Fortnightly Review, July, 1874.
2 - Reclus, vol. v. p, 433; Gasztowtt, p. 320 sqq.
3- This misinterpretation of the Muslim wars of conquest has arisen from the assumption that wars waged for the extension of Muslim domination over the lands of the unbelievers implied that the aim in view was their conversion. Goldziher has well pointed out this distinction in his Vorlesungen ũber den Islam : '' Was Muḥammed zünachst in seinem arabischen Umkreise getan, das hinterlässt er als Testament für die Zukunft seiner Gemeinde: Bekämpfung der Ungläubigen, die Ausbreitung nicht so sehr des Glaubens als seiner Machtsphäre, die die Machtsphäre Allahs ist. Es ist dabei den Kämpfern des Islams zunächst nicht so sehr  um Bekehrung als um Unterwerfung der Ungläubigen zu tun."  (p. 25.)
4-See Enhardi Fuldensis Annales, A.D. 777. "Saxones post multas cædes et varia bella afflicti, tandem christiani effecti, Francorum dicioni subduntur." G. H. Pertz: Monumenta Germaniæ Historica, vol. i. p. 349. (See also pp. 156, 159.)
5-" Turn zelo propagandæ fidei succensus, barbara regna iusto certamine aggressus, devictas subditasque nationes christianæ legi subiugavit." (Breviarium Romanum. Iun. 19.)
6- Mathurin Veyssière de la Croze: Histoire du Christianisme des Indes, pp- 529-531.  (The Hague, 1724.)
7-Revue de 1'Histoire des Religions, vol. xi. p. 89.
8- Konrad Maurer: Die Bekehrung des norwegischen Stammes zum Christenthume, vol. i. p. 284. (München, 1855.)
9- Jean, Sire dc Joinville: Histoire de Saint Louis, ed, N. de Wailly p. 30. (§ 53).
10- Severus, p. 191 (ll. 21-22).

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