Warranty of entering Paradise in Islam
This is an overview about salvation in Muslims' belief:
Islam grants every sincere to Allah in worship and obedience till death, a firm warranty of entering Paradise . In holy Qur'an, Allah said " But those who believe (in the oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism)and do deeds of righteousness, we shall admit them to the Gardens under which rivers flow (i.e. in Paradise) to dwell therein forever. Allah's promise is the Truth, and whose words can be truer than Allah ?! (of course, none)" 4:122. And said " Paradise (Adn i.e. everlasting Gardens) which the most Beneficent has promised to His slaves in the unseen. Verily, His Promise must come to pass" 19:61." Say: (Is that better or the Paradise of Eternity promised to the Muttaqun (pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much and love Allah much)?) It will be theirs as a reward and as a final destination" 25:15." But those who fear Allah and keep their Lord (Allah), for them are built lofty rooms ; one above another under which rivers flow (i.e. Paradise). (This is) the Promise of Allah, and Allah does not fail in His promise" 39:20. He do said.
Islam promised to deliver all those who believe in Allah and do righteous deeds. Allah said " Yes, but whoever submits his face (himself) to Allah (i.e. follows Allah's Religion of Islam Monotheism)and he is a Muhsin (good-doer i.e. performs good deeds totally for Allah's sake only without any show off or to gain praise or fame, etc, and in accordance with the Sunnah of Muhammad) then, his reward is with his Lord (Allah). On such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." 2:112 .
On the other side, Islam promised disbelievers and disobedients a firm lasting torment in Fire of Hell. Allah said " Allah has promised the hypocrites - men and women- and the disbelievers, the Fire of Hell, therein shall they abide. It will suffice them. Allah has cursed them and for them is the lasting torment" 9:68 ." But those who disbelieve (in the oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism), for them will be the Fire of Hell. Neither it will have a complete killing effect on them so that they die, nor shall its torment be lightened for them. Thus do We requite every disbeliever !" 35:36. Said Allah.
And about disbelievers in the Day of Reckoning, Allah said " This is Hell which you were promised ! * Burn therein this Day, for that you used to disbelieve." 36, 37:63. So, Allah does not fail His promise to whomever.
Also, Allah said about the dwellers of Paradise and dwellers of Fire: " And the dwellers of Paradise will call out to the dwellers of Fire (saying) : (We have indeed found true what our Lord had promised us; have you also found true what your Lord promised ?) They shall say: (Yes) Then a crier will proclaim between them: (The Curse of Allah is on the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers, etc) " 7:44.
Thus, everybody devotes his life to faith and obedience till death, he certainly wins Paradise. And every disbeliever and wrongdoer died while disbelief, he must be burnt into Hell.
And for the wisdom and greatness of Islam, Mu'min (believer) should spend his all life fearing Allah much and hoping for His mercy, yet, he never become sure of getting the Paradise, as he never knows if he will die while his faith, added to this, his deceiving feeling of pride and glory. In the same time, he shouldn't be convinced in entering Fire -whatever he has done- because this is considered as a forbidden despair leading to giving up the hope of Allah's mercy. So, he does deeds of righteousness and hopes for the reward of Allah, and avoid sins fearing torment, and even if he sins, he turns to Allah in repentance asking for forgiveness, then Allah forgives all sins and verily pardons whomsoever repents. And if Mu'min fears that he didn't do enough good deeds, he goes on increasing them with fear and hope. Moreover, whatever righteous deeds he has done, he should never be free of worry, neither be conceited, otherwise, he will come to nothing. He just does right deeds, hopes, fears, then waits and sees. But all deed must be done for God sake, not for fame nor for self-interest, with no show off, no pride, nor despair.
About Mu'mins, Allah said, " And those who give that (Their charity)which they give (and also do other good deeds) with their heart full of fear (whether their alms and charities, etc, have been accepted or not) because they are sure to return to their Lord (for reckoning)." 23:60. In this way, Mu'min stays working hard with hope and fear till he meets his Lord with his belief in the oneness of Allah and his good deeds, then he wins Paradise with Blessing of Allah, and If you scrutinized these meanings, you will find that these motives are the most vital ones for hard work, and without them, Rightness couldn't be fulfilled.
It's well known that, probability of making mistakes and desire to self-determination are innate natures in human soul, and human was created able to do right or wrong things as well, God has never compelled him to commit sins, He gave him all the chance to make his own decision, and let him free to repent and turn back to the Right Way. So, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, "The best sinners are thoese who repents more". The Mercy of Allah verily appears in Islam when we see Allah calling his slaves in Qur'an : " Say: O 'Ibadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." 39:53.
This is the nature of human and that was the way of salvation. So, it's very illogical to think that probability of making mistakes is an inaccessible barrier between God and humans, and that man can never get the Blessing of Allah, unless He sends His (false) Son to be lowly crucified under eyes of his Father, then God forgives whole humanity. It's just a silly play, and on hearing this lying story, I must deny it. One time, I have said to Christian man about this story: " So you say that God has sent His Son to be crucified for the salvation of current and coming humans, then, what is the destiny of those who died before He was born? ". He just said: " Our Priests must have an answer to this problem." Nothing more. And if he had ever found, it wouldn't have been more than pretense.
If you studied Christian belief concerning salvation with an opened mind, you will find them thinking that God has sacrificed his only Son to expiate all humans sins, and this Son is a God, this Son has been beaten, slapped, cursed and crucified then died !! Doesn't this means that God is weak and vile. It's a masked atheism. Can't God forgive all sins any time with one word ?! If He has the power to (and they agree that too), why has He to sacrifice his Son for this ? Allah is high Exalted above all that .
Christian belief in expiation the original Sin has a negative effect on humanity. look over Protestants who believe that any body is required to nothing but believing in the Son of God who was sent to be crucified and die for expiation humanity sins. So, he becomes sincere Christian deserving salvation, God Blessing, and Paradise !! Further more, they believe that crucifixion was for expiation humanity past, current and coming sins. So don't care for the current crimes of murder, stealing and raping filling up Christian society, because Jesus (Peace be upon him) was crucified for expiation them.Then, why have they to stop ?!
Tell me for God sake, why do you imprison criminals, impose penalties and sometimes execute murderers, if you think that criminals were forgiven and salvaged by means of Jesus' blood.
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