الجمعة، 3 فبراير 2012

Islam...Why ?

Islam...Why ?

1- Because Islam is the religion accepted by Allah for all humanity.
2- Because Islam is the religion of all prophets since Adam to Mohammad ( Peace be upon them all ).
3-Because Islam is the seal of all heavenly religions, and
4- Because the messenger of Islam is the last of God's apostles, and
5- Because its Book ( Al-Qur'an ) is the last of Allah's ******ures.
6-Allah ta'ala ( Glory be to Him ) says: "Do they seek other than the Deen ( Rrligion ) of Allah ?- while all creatures in the heavens and on earth have, willing or unwilling , bowed to His Will ( accepted islam ), and to him shall they all be brought back ." {Al-Qur'an 3:85} "If anyone desires a Deen ( Religion ) other than Islam ( submission to Allah ) it never will be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (everything ){ Al- Qur'an 3:85}

Islam...for whom ?

1- For every person on whom Allah has bestowed life and intellect .
2- For those who can see the blessings of Allah .
3- For those who can hear the words of Allah .
4- For those who can comprehend the sings of Allah .
5- For those whose hearts are full of love and gratitude to Allah .
6- For you and for me and for those whose blessed hearts are open to faith .

Islam...when ?

1- Now , not tomorrow ,
2- Obey your heart's call to faith ,
3- It is your life chance ,
4- A golden chance that might not strike your heart again .
5-Answer Allah's call . He summons you .
6- " But your God is one God , submit then your wills to Him ( in Islam ) , and give
the good news to those who humble themselves . " { Al- Qur'an 22:34


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