الخميس، 25 ديسمبر 2014

God, the Creator – Prophecies of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) in the Hindu Scriptures

Prophecies of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) in the Hindu Scriptures

A number of Hindu scholars have collected prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) found in their scriptures, and they undertook the task of explaining them even though they remained in the Hindu religion, but before long, they inclined toward the Muslims and yielded to them more than to others.[1]
     These prophecies are quite numerous, and by the Will of Allah, we will mention some of them:

1.      The Hindu scriptures foretold an exceptional character, with distinguished characteristics. This person was called, Narashnas.
     This word is made up of two parts: Nar, meaning human being, and Ashnas, meaning he who is frequently praised and honored. Thus, the meaning of this name is: Muhammad.
     In all of human history, none of the prophets or messengers have been called by this name except the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who came with Islam as the religion for all the worlds.
     If there was no proof but this, it would suffice.

2.     "Listen, oh people, with respect. Verily, Narashnas will be praised and honored, and we will protect this immigrant (or bearer of the flag of security) between 60,000 enemies and 90 enemies, and he will be riding a camel."
     Note that it says, "will be praised and honored" in the future tense, indicating that the awaited had not been sent until the time this book was written. The most important books of the Hindus are four, and they believe that they were sent from Allah Almighty. This book, Atharvaveda, in which the prophecy was mentioned, is the last of these books to be written. It was written much later than the other three books before it. The content of these four books indicates that the book, Atharvaveda, came after the time of Jesus, son of Mary (pbuh), and that it was during the time the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sent. This confirms that the meaning of Narashnas is the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
     Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh) immigrated to Medina as protection from Allah (Mighty & Majestic). This corresponds to: "…and we will protect this immigrant (or bearer of the flag of security)."
     Before the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sent, the Arabs were people who went out and prepared for war or battle. In detail:
A.   Their numbers from Quraysh and their allies, and from Bani Ghatafan and their allies totaled 10,000 fighters.
B.   The number of his (pbuh) enemies from the Jews of different tribes was also 10,000 fighters.
C.   The number of his (pbuh) enemies from the Christians in the battle of Tabuk reached 40,000 fighters.
D.  The number of his (pbuh) enemies from the hypocrites was 90, eighty of which were hypocrites who stayed in Medina during the Battle of Tabuk and twelve or thirteen of them came out to Tabuk with the Prophet (pbuh). These were the ones who were about to kill him (pbuh) on the way, but Allah (Mighty & Majestic) protected him from them. Then, Allah Almighty guided two or three to repent, and the other ten remained hypocrites.
     With this precise calculation, the number of enemies of the Prophet (pbuh) totaled exactly 60,000 and 90 men.[2]
     What we have mentioned corresponds to: "…and we will protect this immigrant (or bearer of the flag of security) between 60,000 enemies and 90 enemies."
     Allah's Messenger (pbuh) used to ride camels. This agrees with the statement: "…and he will be riding a camel." In other words, this prophet would not come later in the time of cars and airplanes, and that this prophet would not be born in India, or be from the descendents of the Brahmins or the Aryans as the Hindus claimed, because this prophet would be born in a desert region, in a desert country, because the camel—which the prophet would ride—is acquired and used for riding in such areas. Also, this prophet would not be of the Hindu religion, because the Hindu religion prohibits their messengers from eating camel meat or milk, and it prohibits the Brahmins from riding them. In fact, if the Brahmin rides a camel or a donkey willingly, without being compelled, he becomes impure according to their beliefs.[3]

3.     It also states in the book, Atharvaveda, Chapter 20, Section 127, that which can be translated as, "Verily, he gave the messenger, Mamaah, one hundred dinars of gold, ten necklaces, three hundred horses, and ten thousand cows."
     This shows that the person referred to as Narashnas in this section will be a messenger, and the name of this messenger will be Mamaah.
     The strange thing is that there are two possibilities for the name, Mamaah:
     First of all, the word, Mamaah, could be a Sanskrit dialect for Muhammad, in Arabic, and the difference between the two names could be the result of the difference between the two languages or dialects, just as the name Yahya in Arabic became Yohanna and Yahnas in Hebrew (John in English), and just as the name Ilyas in Arabic became Eliah (Elijah in English), and just as the name Yunis in Arabic became Yunah or Yunan in Hebrew (Jonah in English).
     The other possibility is that the word, Mamaah, is a purely Sanskrit word. If that is the case, it is made up of two parts: Ma, meaning: the Great, and maah, meaning he who is frequently praised and honored. Thus the meaning of the two parts put together is Muhammad, the Great. This means that the one who is awaited is the Messenger of Islam: Muhammad (pbuh).
-         The number of immigrants to Abyssinia was 101, but then Labidullah ibn Jahsh became an apostate, so the number of immigrants to Abyssinia became one hundred. This concurs with "one hundred nashak," meaning that Allah gave Muhammad (pbuh) one hundred dinars of pure gold—a metaphor comparing the sincere companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who immigrated to Abyssinia to pure gold coins.
-         The best of the Companions (despite the goodness of all the Companions) were the ten to whom Allah's Messenger (pbuh) promised Paradise, one followed by another in a single hadith. This corresponds to the "ten necklaces": meaning that Allah gave this prophet, Mamaah, ten necklaces—a metaphor comparing the ten companions who were promised Paradise to necklaces, which are the best of all jewelry and the most precious.
-         Three hundred and thirteen or three hundred and fourteen of the Companions fought with Allah's Messenger (pbuh) at the Battle of Badr, which was the first of the Muslims' wars, and the Muslims meted out to the Meccan pagans a vicious defeat at this blessed battle. Thirteen or fourteen men from among the Companions were martyred, and three hundred remained to accompany the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and bring him victory in his battles. It was common knowledge amongst the Muslims that the best of the companions of Allah's Messenger (pbuh) were those who witnessed Badr. This corresponds to the "three hundred horses." In other words, it means that Allah Almighty gave this messenger three hundred horses, or horsemen.
-         The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was accompanied by ten thousand men in the Conquest of Mecca—the homeland of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) which contains Allah's Holy House, the Noble Ka`aba—and with them he completed the purification of the Ka`aba from all the idols that were inside and around it. This corresponds to the "ten thousand cows." In other words, Allah (Mighty & Majestic) gave this messenger ten thousand cows, and the cow is a sacred animal to the Hindus, so it is used in a metaphorical way to refer to a free, noble, righteous man.[4]

Prophecies about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are frequent in the Hindu scriptures. To know more, refer to the book, And Verily You Are of an Exalted Standard of Character (Wa Innaka la `ala Khuluqin `Adhim), by Mubarakfouri.
With this, we have presented some of the prophecies concerning the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), but with the following note:
     There are many more prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) than we have mentioned, in the Torah, the Gospels, the Books of Old, and the Hindu scriptures.
     This all proves that: the message of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was not like any other message; it is a global message to all of humanity, and it puts a final seal on all previous messages.
     Prophets and messengers used to be sent to their own people, but the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was sent to all of creation. He was sent with his message to humans and jinn, and that is why there were all of these prophecies about the bearer of this final message to seal all previous messages—the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad (may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him).

[1] The book, And Verily, You Are of an Exalted Standard of Character (Wa Innaka la `ala Khuluqin `Adhim), by Safiyur-Rahman Mubarakfouri
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.

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