الخميس، 25 ديسمبر 2014

God, the Creator – Debating the Christians about the Claim of the Trinity

Debating the Christians about the Claim of the Trinity

It should be said to the Christians: If you believe that God is made up of three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and that they are of one essence:
     Did you come by this claim of yours—that God, the Father, is three persons in one essence—by way of scriptural fidelity and obedience or by way of logic and analogy?
     Then, if they say: We got it by adherence to the text of the Gospels.
     It should be said to them: then you must not have any differences over it because no one who believes that differs over the scripture.
     And if they say: We got it by way of logic and analogy.
     It should be said to them: Then what is it that requires your so-called God to be three persons, and not more than that? Why is it only three?
     Is that a logical necessity? Or is it logical speculation?
     If they say: It is a logical necessity.
     It should be said to them: Then rational people must necessarily differ over it, but what you say contradicts logical necessity, in that you make three into one.
     Then, if they say: By logical speculation.
     It should be said to them: And what information led you to it?
     Is the one expressed in three, or are the three confined in one?
     On the contrary, one is inconsistent with multiplicity. It is not possible for one to be two or three or…
     How ignorant can one be of the mathematical method! If a mistake is made in the first steps, one will most probably get the final answer wrong.
     This debate shows the enormity of these Christians' disbelief. It clarifies that their idolatry is greater than the idolatry of the Zoroastrians themselves, for their intent was to claim two gods: the god of light and the god of darkness, but these Christians claim three.

Another refutation based on the pure natural tendencies of man:
     In the letter from al-Baqalani to the Byzantine Emperor, Judge Abu Bakr appeared one day before the emperor, and he saw with him some of his bishops and monks. So he joked, "How are you and how are your wives and children?"
     So the Byzantine was astonished at him and said to him, "In the letter written by the one who sent you, it mentions that you are a man of the world, more knowledgeable than the scholars of your community! Do you not know that I hold these [men] above [having] wives and children?" So, Judge Abu Bake replied, "You do not hold Allah (Glorious & Exalted) above [having] wives and children, but you hold them above it?"
     How corrupt is their basic human nature that has changed from pure monotheism into such deep disbelief and idolatry!
A Debate about the Mythical Christian Claim of Incarnation

Incarnation, in the Christian belief system, is: their claim that Allah, out of mercy and compassion toward His servants, bestowed His word upon the Virgin Mary, this word became flesh in her womb, and she bore a complete god, from a complete god (according to their false claims and blasphemous lies).
    Thus, it should be said to them: The word bestowed upon the Virgin Mary by God, which became flesh in her womb, and emerged a complete god (as they say)—is it of the same Divine Essence or is this word an addition to it?
     If they say: It is the same essence.
     It should be said to them: Then, say, "He bestowed Himself," don't say "His Word" (to rebuke them and refute their lies).
     If they say: The word is an addition to the essence.
     It should be said to them: Is it separate from the essence or is it not separate?
     If they say: It is separate.
     It should be said to them: Then, you must admit that the Divine Essence changes, because if something separated from it, God cannot be described with the constitutive element of knowledge after it had once been described as such.
     And if they say: It is not separate.
     It should be said to them: Then, it is impossible for this word to be incarnate in Mary's womb, because one cannot occupy the space of two, in accordance with their lies and to refute the lies, myths and conjectures they claim.

A Debate about the Christian Claim of the Sacrifice of Redemption

As we have shown, the Christians believe that God became incarnate in the Messiah to suffer humiliation, crucifixion, and execution for the sake of purifying and saving humanity from the sin of their father, Adam (who ate from the tree), which was passed down from generation to generation, including the prophets and righteous men, as well as the Messiah before the crucifixion.
     It should be said to them: This God, after doing to himself what he did to himself, in terms of the humiliation and denigration that you describe, for the sake of purifying you of sin and transgression and from the vices of this world, it is strange that he does not appear to have succeeded.
     On the contrary, you continue as you were, with the same human nature, you live, you sin, you violate prohibitions, you kill and are killed, and you die, and everything happens to you that happens to all human beings.
     So, what kind of so-called 'purification' do you claim for yourselves?
     What about those people who come after this supposed sacrifice?
     What about the rest of the sins, transgressions, and abominations you commit, especially during your so-called 'holidays' (Holy Days) and in your worship sessions that you take as a cover for spreading fornication, tribulation, and licentiousness? May Allah save us from the Christians' lies and blasphemy!

Debating the Christians about Their Claim of the Crucifixion of God

As we have shown, the Christians believe that the Messiah was crucified and executed.
     It should be said to them: Either this crucifixion and execution was misguided or it was guided.
     It would be impossible for you to say that this crucifixion was guided, since you declare those who did it to be disbelievers. Because of this deed (as you claim), the Jews have incurred the wrath and curse of God on themselves.
     Therefore, the only thing left to say is that it was misguided.
     If you say that, you must therefore believe that your God did something misguided, and in fact, you have said so in your sacred scriptures.
     This corruption and deviance in your doctrine is only due to your lack of reason and your ignorance of what is in those books.

A Brief Summary of Other Debates with the Christians about Their Claim of the Crucifixion of God

It should be said to the Christians: You praise your system of law for being based on forgiveness, yet you reject that Allah forgave Adam for eating from the tree. You went so far as to exaggerate and make up myths about it, saying that all the sons of Adam were imprisoned by the sin of their father Adam until they were ransomed by the Messiah himself, despite your claim concerning his divinity.
     You found it so difficult to imagine your Lord's forgiveness that you took vengeance against a god like Him, which you call: God, the Son.
     May Allah be exalted and His Holiness glorified high above that which the transgressors say.
     Here we have the ultimate example of contradiction in such a wicked doctrine, which cannot be hidden from anyone of pure, good nature and honest, straightforward reason.

To sum all of this up, no one magnifies Allah (Glorious & Exalted) as He deserves to be magnified, except the religion with which His Messenger, the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (pbuh), came to purify all beliefs about Him, His Being, His Attributes, and His Actions from all that is imperfect, debasing, or blameworthy, and from anything that would not be acceptable to uncorrupted human nature and reason.
     Therefore, we ask: Why do we not apply the definitive test, as mentioned by Shaikh Ahmad Deedat, who said: To the followers of Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon him), I say, "Why not apply the definitive test that Jesus (pbuh) wanted to apply on anyone who claims prophethood (if a prophet is true or not)? The Messiah, son of Mary (pbuh), said, 'Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? * Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. * A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.' [Matthew 7: 16-18]"
     The sheikh (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "Why do you shy away from applying this test to the instructions of Allah's Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? For, we find in the Holy Quran a complete message that fulfills that with which Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them) came."
     Then, present to them the testimony in their own books. Bernard Shaw said, "If someone like Muhammad (pbuh) assumed the absolute leadership of the world, he would have been able to solve all the problems in the world and achieve peace and happiness, and the world is in the most desperate need of them…" and others.

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